How CBD Hemp Oil could improve your SEX life

How CBD could improve your SEX life

Multiple variables can influence one’s sex life. CBD from cannabis has the ability to increase intimacy between partners by decreasing stress and pain, while inducing calm and mental clarity.
The day-to-day of life can have an impact on one’s sexuality, and unfortunately, people often report experiencing more difficulty in the bedroom. One possible way to assist in creating a positive sex life is to bring CBD into the boudoir with you.
Because there are no toxic limits, CBD is a fantastic intimacy enhancer. There is no need to worry about dosage, and it can be taken at any time. A little bit can go a long way and can be delivered in multiple forms like vapor, balm, flower, or edibles.


CBD Relieves Sexual Anxiety And Stress

Because CBD is an anxiolytic, it naturally relieves stress and anxiety. By activating the serotonin receptors in the brain, the body and mind is flooded with its own anti-depressants. The brain also inhibits the release of chemicals that produce inflammation, fear, and worry. CBD can do this without psychoactive effects, which leaves the user feeling refreshed without being spacey.
There are a number of anecdotal reports gathered from people in their 30’s to 50’s that use CBD for improved sex life:
Men say they have stronger orgasms with more frequency
Women have less difficulty reaching orgasm
Women and men claim to be more amenable to desire and more connected to their partners.


CBD Improves Communication And Vivid Thought

The brain has two interconnected systems that regulate sexual desire. The sexual inhibition system (SIS) and the sexual excitation system (SES) interact with each other to put an individual in the mood for intercourse. The SIS inhibits desire, and if anxiety and stress builds, it makes it more difficult to decrease the SIS in order for the SES to take over.
CBD decreases feelings of anxiety and stress. While doing so, it makes the user think more clearly. Due to less nervousness, CBD induces a smooth, natural way of expressing oneself. This promotes honest communication between partners. The increased intimacy herein can help encourage a stronger sex life due to activation of the sexual excitation system (SES).


CBD also appears to help individuals experiencing erectile dysfunction, which is caused by weakened blood flow and tissue damage. Some researchers note that a toxin called dioxin could potentially influence erectile dysfunction. The toxin builds up in the body over time due to food consumption and environmental exposure. CBD helps flush dioxin from the body and inhibits it from reforming in fat cells.
In situations where CBD and THC are combined together, THC may overpower CBD and have a negative effect towards erectile dysfunction. So, it is considered advantageous to take high-CBD strains or pure CBD for this condition.


CBD As A Pain Reliever During Sex
Some individuals experience pain when engaging in intercourse. Women who have used balms or ointments with high concentrations of CBD experience more comfort due to improved blood flow and increased lubrication. Women going through menopause cite these exact reasons for why they use CBD oil.

CBD is not only beneficial for those experiencing painful intercourse, but for individuals that experience chronic pain for other reasons. Decreased inflammation and increased serotonin helps bodies to relax and feel at their peak.