Categorie archieven: cbd

What does taking CBD oil feel like?

What does taking CBD oil feel like? How will i feel when i take CBD oil? These are questions we get asked alot… So heres a little info for you… CBD is a natural alternative to over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-inflammatory pills, and plenty more. However, because CBD is derived from cannabis plants, […]


DE MEEST GESTELDE VRAGEN OVER ONZE CBD-OLIE: CBD-olie. Een uniek voedingssupplement dat voor veel mensen uitkomst kan bieden bij een grote diversiteit aan klachten. Bij veel mensen roept het middel nog steeds een hoop vragen op… 1.Wat is CBD-olie? CBD staat voor Cannabidiol, een stof die van nature voorkomt in cannabis en hennepplanten. Het zit […]

What Are The Benefits of Using CBD Oil for PTSD?

What Are The Benefits of Using CBD Oil for PTSD? Researchers have discovered many promising benefits of CBD to alleviate the symptoms associated with the disorder — especially in people that haven’t responded well to conventional therapies. 1. It Stops Nightmares Clinical Trials have shown that CBD ceased or significantly reduced flashbacks, nightmares, and persistent […]

WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS ABOUT CBD AND SLEEP To understand whether CBD can improve sleep, we first have to understand what causes poor sleep.

WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS ABOUT CBD AND SLEEP To understand whether CBD can improve sleep, we first have to understand what causes poor sleep. Some of the most common causes of Insomnia are : • mental health disorders,such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression • medication, which can disturb your sleep-wake cycle • […]